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President's Office. Rev. Daniel Lyons, SSE


Scope and Contents

Detailed Description

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President's Office. Rev. Daniel Lyons, SSE, 1946-1952 | Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

By Eizabeth B. Scott

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Collection Overview

Title: President's Office. Rev. Daniel Lyons, SSE, 1946-1952

ID: SMC 2/008

Extent: 9.0 Linear Feet

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Lyons subgroup contains many items generated by the President’s office during Lyons term.  However, since materials were allowed to accumulate in the offices and were not arranged until significantly after his term, it is possible that items created during Lyon’s term of office can be found in the files of president’s who came after him.

Collection Historical Note

Fr. Danny Lyons became president following the General Chapter of 1946.  Lyons, a native Vermonter, had been at Saint Michael’s since 1930 in a variety of capacities.  He was president during a time of extraordinary growth for the College.  Veterans returned to campus in such large numbers that the College was absolutely transformed by them.  The AFROTC program was added during his term, and he helped institute a retirement plan for employees.  During his term as President, the College finalized the purchase of the surplus army buildings that became known as Miketown, purchased some land at Fort Ethan Allen and built Cheray Hall, the first new building in over 20 years.  Fr. Lyons also oversaw the building of Ryan Hall, the first of the quad dorms.  In 1947, the School of Drama, later to become Saint Michael’s Playhouse, first came to campus.

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 1
Folder 1: A-Misc. Correspondence
Folder 2: Aiken, George
Folder 3: Albiser, Rev. Henry Beck, SSE
Folder 4: American Woolen Company
Folder 5: Army, U.S. Department
Folder 6: Auberjonois, Fernand
Folder 7: Austin, Major James S.
Folder 8: B-Misc. I, Correspondence
Folder 9: B- Misc. II, Correspondence
Folder 10: Beauduy, Henry L.
Folder 11: Bergeron, Urban
Folder 12: Bissonnette, Frank J.
Folder 13: Borkowski, Mrs. John
Folder 14: Boutin, Bernard
Folder 15: Bradely, F.R.
Folder 16: Budgetary Matters 1949
Folder 17: Burlington Boys Club
Folder 18: Bushy, Rev. David (Danny)
Folder 19: Bryant, Gerladin (Gerry)
Folder 20: C-Misc. I, Correspondence
Box 2
Folder 1: C-Misc. II, Correspondence
Folder 2: C-Misc. III, Correspondence
Folder 3: Chronicle of St. Edmunds Literary Club 1919-1948
Folder 4: Cain, Rev. William J. (Vt. Catholic Charities)
Folder 5: Campbell, Gen. Murdock A.
Folder 6: Campus Film Productions
Folder 7: Carmelites, Nuns Order
Folder 8: Carney, James J.
Folder 9: Casey, Rev. Francis M., SSE
Folder 10: Catholic Youth Organization, CYO
Folder 11: Champoux, Rev. Timothy J.
Folder 12: Chemical Bank and Trust Co. (Frank I. Curry) File #1
Folder 13: Chemical Bank and Trust Co. (Frank I. Curry) File #2
Folder 14: The Christophers
Folder 15: Colleges
Folder 16: Collins, George
Folder 17: Colt, Ethel Barrymore and Other Concerts
Folder 18: Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
Box 3
Folder 1: St. Michael's Building Fund Drive/Talk by Rev. D.P. Lyons, SSE
Folder 2: 1948-49 Memos to Students
Folder 3: "For This We Build"
Folder 4: 1949-52 Faculty Information
Folder 5: Connolly, John F.
Folder 6: Contracts, 1947-50: General Dealings with U.S. Army, etc.
Folder 7: Conventions, Miscellaneous
Folder 8: Conway, James
Folder 9: Cordon, Raymond T.
Folder 10: Curran, Mrs. Anne
Folder 11: Currier, Mrs. Mary
Folder 12: D-Miscellaneous
Folder 13: D'Agostino, Rev. Lorenzo
Folder 14: Danyew, Mary
Folder 15: Dedication Day
Folder 16: Dedication of Mont St. Michael's Portrait
Folder 17: David, Edward I. (Fox and Hounds Club)
Folder 18: DePeter, Edward J.
Folder 19: Dodge, Homer L.
Folder 20: Doria, Anthony
Folder 21: Downey, Walter F. (War Assets Admin.)
Folder 22: Dube, Rev. Armand F.
Folder 23: Dupont, Gerald E, SSE
Folder 24: E-Misc.
Folder 25: Early Dr. L.J.
Folder 26: F-Misc.
Folder 27: Faculty Salaries
Folder 28: Friends of St. Michael's
Folder 29: Fanny Allen Hospital
Box 4
Folder 1: Farley, James A. (Coca-Cola Export Corp.)
Folder 2: Fatima
Folder 3: Federal Communication Comm.
Folder 4: Film Incorporated
Folder 5: Financial Report
Folder 6: Fire District No. 1
Folder 7: Fitzgerald, Madilyn
Folder 8: Fitzgibbons, Private Francis, Jr.
Folder 9: Flanders, Sen. Ralph E.
Folder 10: Flattery, Rev. Francis J.
Folder 11: Flora, Miss Lee
Folder 12: T.M. Foley Agency
Folder 13: Fund Raising Campaign 1948
Folder 14: Ford Foundation
Folder 15: Freedoms Foundation
Folder 16: Free Press Association
Folder 17: Freshman Bulletin 1946-52
Folder 18: G-Miscellaneous
Folder 19: Gibson, Hon. Ernest W., Jr.
Folder 20: Grice, Col. L.O.
Folder 21: Gillis, V. Rev. James M.
Folder 22: Glynn, Major John L.
Folder 23: H-Miscellaneous
Folder 24: Haag, Ann
Folder 25: Hale, William E.
Folder 26: Hanlon, Kenneth J.
Folder 27: Hartnett, Mary
Folder 28: Healy, Gerald
Folder 29: Hickok & Boardman, Inc.
Box 5
Folder 1: Holy Name
Folder 2: Hotels
Folder 3: I-Miscellaneous
Folder 4: Internal Revenue, U.S.
Folder 5: Immigration & Travel
Folder 6: Irene, Sister (Sisters of St. Martha)
Folder 7: J-Miscellaneous
Folder 8: Janowski, Fr. A. F., SSE
Folder 9: Jeanmarie, Fr.
Folder 10: K-Miscellaneous
Folder 11: Kelly, Nicholas J.
Folder 12: Kenney, Thomas
Folder 13: Kolowich, George J.
Folder 14: L-Miscellaneous
Folder 15: L-Miscellaneous
Folder 16: Labor, U.S. Dept.
Folder 17: Lambert, V. Rev. Norman, SSE
Folder 18: Lawrence, Miss Fedora
Folder 19: Lawson, G.H., Associates, Inc.
Folder 20: Ledden, Mrs. Anna
Folder 21: Lemieux, Victor V.
Folder 22: Leonard, Rev. T.J.
Folder 23: LeVeer, Rev. Arthur J.
Folder 24: Linnehan, Rev. Ralph F., SSE
Folder 25: Lucey, Rev. William
Folder 26: Lynch, Thomas (Student)
Folder 27: Lyons, Christopher
Folder 28: Lyons, John
Folder 29: Dupont, Gerald, SSE
Box 6
Folder 1: M-Miscellaneous
Folder 2: M-Miscellaneous
Folder 3: Marceau, Louis and Margaret
Folder 4: Marycrest Convent
Folder 5: May Procession
Folder 6: McCormack, John W.
Folder 7: McCue, Rev. A.P., SSE
Folder 8: McGee, Albert, A.F.
Folder 9: McKenzie, Ruth
Folder 10: McNamara, Hon. Cornelius D.
Folder 11: McNamara, Rev. Walter E.
Folder 12: Meagher, Dr. M.A.
Folder 13: Michaelman (Presidents Day 1951)
Folder 14: Ministries
Folder 15: Morin, Very Rev. Paul, SSE
Folder 16: Murphy, Thomas
Folder 17: Memos and Letters
Box 7
Folder 1: N-Miscellaneous
Folder 2: Nadeau, Rev. Henry E., SSE
Folder 3: National Federation Catholic Organization
Folder 4: Noel, Rev. Charles G., SSE
Folder 5: O-Miscellaneous
Folder 6: O'Gorman, Clare
Folder 7: O'Gorman, Edward
Folder 8: Officers of College for Administration of Business Affairs
Folder 9: O'Reilly, Rev. SSE
Folder 10: Organizations, Students
Folder 11: P-Miscellaneous
Folder 12: Paro, Rev. John, SSE
Folder 13: Patrick, Mrs. Ray
Folder 14: Petty, Rev. James H.
Folder 15: Plumley, Hon. Charles A.
Folder 16: Poirier, Rev. Raymond H., SSE
Folder 17: Protase, Sr. Mary
Folder 18: Prouty, Hon. Winston, L.
Folder 19: Purtill, V. Rev. J.T., SSE
Folder 20: Q-Miscellaneous
Folder 21: Quinlan, Francis
Folder 22: R-Miscellaneous
Box 8
Folder 1: Redemptionist Fathers
Folder 2: Research Corporation
Folder 3: Retreats
Folder 4: ROTC Program (1st)
Folder 5: S-Miscellaneous
Folder 6: S-Miscellaneous
Folder 7: Secretaries, file
Folder 8: Saga Dining Halls, Inc.
Folder 9: Schermerhorn, Walter
Folder 10: Sheehan, James
Folder 11: Sheehan, William
Folder 12: Sheehey, Rev. Robert
Folder 13: Simpson, Jean
Folder 14: Skelton, William A.
Folder 15: Spellman, Arthur
Folder 16: Stankiewicz, Rev. John, SSE
Folder 17: Stapleton, Rev. Edward J., SSE
Folder 18: Stewart, Mr. Frank James
Folder 19: Student Council, SMC
Folder 20: Students (Displaced/Foreign)
Folder 21: Sullivan, Rev. Donald T., SSE
Folder 22: Sullivan, Edward (T.V. Star)
Folder 23: T-Miscellaneous
Box 9
Folder 1: Taylor, Henry J.
Folder 2: Teachers (Emigre Scholars)
Folder 3: Tenney, Col. W.M. (Fort Ethan Allen)
Folder 4: Thabault, Rev. Paul
Folder 5: Truman, Pres. Harry S.
Folder 6: U-Miscellaneous
Folder 7: V-Miscellaneous
Folder 8: Van Holme, Rev. F.B., SSE
Folder 9: Vermont Forums
Folder 10: Veterans of Foreign Wars
Folder 11: W-Miscellaneous
Folder 12: War Orphans Scholarships, etc.
Folder 13: Wiley, Summer K.
Folder 14: X, Y, Z-Miscellaneous
Folder 15: WAR equipment, checked 1947
Folder 16: Fed. Public Housing Authority 1946-47 File #1
Folder 17: Fed. Public Housing Authority 1946-47 File #2
Box 10
Folder 1: Federal Works, Correspondence 1946-47
Folder 2: Federal Public Housing Authority, Equipment, Received 1946-47
Folder 3: Federal Works Agency 1946-47
Folder 4: College Needs, Fall 1946
Folder 5: Student Activities, Miscellaneous 1946
Folder 6: Federal Works Agency, Equipment (Rec'd and paid for)
Folder 7: Federal Works Agency, Wm. Jones, 1946-49
Folder 8: Federal Works Agency, Thomas Morgan
Folder 9: Federal Works Agency, P.R. Kneeland
Folder 10: War Equipment, Checked, 1947
Folder 11: Federal Works Forms/Bulletins
Folder 12: Federal Works, Bids and Acceptances
Folder 13: Federal Works, E.R. McKee
Box 11
Folder 1: Federal Works Agency, Equipment Order
Folder 2: Federal Public Housing Authority, Forms
Folder 3: Federal Works Agency, Equipment
Folder 4: Federal Works Agency, Equipment orders.
Folder 5: Inventory of SMC Supplies in Buildings 1950
Folder 6: National Lock Company
Folder 7: War Assets File
Folder 8: Bureau of Community Facilities
Folder 9: War Assets Administration
Folder 10: War Assets Administration
Box 12
Folder 1: Federal Workers Agency
Folder 2: Surplus Property Agency
Folder 3: War Assets
Folder 4: Federal Security, Mr. Land
Folder 5: War Assets Administration
Folder 6: Surplus Property Correspondence
Folder 7: Transfer of Temporary Housing to SMC re: Lanaham Act 1947
Folder 8: Student Insurance-General
Folder 9: National Life Insurace Co.
Folder 10: Accountants Report 1946-47
Folder 11: Accountants Report 1947-48
Folder 12: Financial Statements, June 30, 1949
Folder 13: Accountants Report 1949-50
Folder 14: Accountants Report 1950-51
Folder 15: Accountants Report June 1952
Folder 16: Development Fund (New Dorm)
Folder 17: Freeman-French and Freeman
Folder 18: Loyalty Endowment Plan, Alumni
Folder 19: Faculty Status and Welfare, Pension Plan
Folder 20: Pension and other Insurance-General
Folder 21: Library
Box 13
Folder 1: Housing and Home Finance Agency (New York)
Folder 2: Faculty Benefits and General College Information
Folder 3: Internal Revenue Code, 1949
Folder 4: Budget 1947-48 (Salary Employees)
Folder 5: College Librarians Status
Folder 6: Brochure Advertising SMC
Folder 7: Contributors to Endowment Fund
Folder 8: Associate Trustees
Folder 9: Classroom Assignments & Advisors for Testing and Advising Prog.
Folder 10: U.S. Office of Education
Folder 11: Loyalty Day May 2, 1952
Folder 12: Report on Examination June 30, 1948
Folder 13: Budgetary Matters 1950-51, 1951-52
Box 14
Folder 1: Dean of Students 1951-52
Folder 2: ROTC 1952-53
Folder 3: ROTC 1951
Folder 4: ROTC 1946-52
Folder 5: "Life at SMC", movie script
Folder 6: National Catholic Welfare 1952-47
Folder 7: Assistant Dean and Registrar 1947-52
Folder 8: Athletics 1948-49
Box 15
Folder 1: US Navy 1949-50
Folder 2: US Marines 1950-52
Folder 3: Vocational Rehabilitation Service, State of VT.
Folder 4: Vermont Higher Education Council 1946-50
Folder 5: Budget 1950-51
Folder 6: Budget 1949-50
Folder 7: Budget 1948-49
Folder 8: Budget 1947-48
Folder 9: Business Manager
Folder 10: Cheray Science Hall
Folder 11: Cheray Science Hall Dedication
Folder 12: Library SMC 1948
Folder 13: Raymond Reiss 1951
Folder 14: Bishop Toolen 1952
Folder 15: Wright and Morrissey (Moving Fort Buildings)
Folder 16: Weldon, Bishop Christopher
Folder 17: Madden John T., Immigrant Industrial Bank
Folder 18: Mintzer, George
Box 16
Folder 1: Campaign Fund Drive 1948 Scrapbook
Folder 2: Associate Trustees
Folder 3: Specifications for a Dormitory at SMC 1949
Folder 4: Science Building Contracts
Folder 5: Material and Correspondence to Alumni
Folder 6: Friends of SMC 1951
Folder 7: Bishop and Chancery Office
Folder 8: Selective Service
Box 17
Folder 1: Veterans Administration 1952
Folder 2: Ryan Hall 1949-51
Folder 3: Plans for New Dorm
Folder 4: Accounting, Fees for Students 1952
Folder 5: O'Hara, Bishop
Folder 6: O'Brien, Bishop Henry J.
Folder 7: Kastner, Elwood C.
Folder 8: Daughters of Isabella (Vt. Circle)
Folder 9: Mc-Correspondence
Folder 10: McGuire, Dr. Constantine
Folder 11: McIssac, Rev. Charles
Folder 12: Garth, John
Folder 13: Casey, Leo J. (Human Relations)
Folder 14: Gonser & Gerber Fundraising
Folder 15: Commencement Honorary Degree, Correspondence
Folder 16: Complaints
Folder 17: Postage and Post Office
Folder 18: Public Housing (Apartments)
Folder 19: Television Station 1951-52
Folder 20: National Association of Manufacturers
Folder 21: Occupational Research Foundation
Box 18
Folder 1: National Federation Catholic College Students
Folder 2: Vermont Council of Higher Education
Folder 3: Notice to the Parents 1948 & 1949
Folder 4: Sketch of Proposed Chapel 1950
Folder 5: Functions Proper to the Dean 1947
Folder 6: Job Analysis of the Function of Registrar 1946
Folder 7: Proposed Allocation of Duties for Employees in Registrar's  & Deans Office 1946
Folder 8: Organizing Programs and Planning a Schedule 1946
Folder 9: Problems of Reorganizing 1946
Folder 10: Budget Information 1948-52
Folder 11: Chemical Bank and Trust/Loan $350,000, 1947
Folder 12: Knights of Columbus 1949-52
Folder 13: National Commission on Accrediting, 1950-52
Folder 14: Vermont, Miscellaneous
Folder 15: Vt. State Scholarship Program 1947-49
Folder 16: New Programs at SMC
Box 19
Folder 1: College Seal and Emblem 1948
Folder 2: Seal
Folder 3: Lithograph of SMC Seal Pattern
Folder 4: College Seal Designed by Dom William Wilfred Bayne
Folder 5: Information on College Seal 1948
Folder 6: U.S. Student Loans (War Loans)
Folder 7: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Folder 8: New England College Fund
Folder 9: Faculty Correspondence 1948-51
Folder 10: Secretarial Staff, Bulletin 1947-49
Folder 11: Advisory Committee 1949-50
Folder 12: Swift, Judge John
Folder 13: Strake George
Folder 14: National Catholic Educational Assoc. 1949-51
Folder 15: Student Insurance, J.C. Paige Co.
Folder 16: Hickok and Boardman Insurance Co., 1950, value estimates on buildings
Folder 17: Scully, Most. Rev. William H., 1949
Folder 18: Chapel Donations 1952
Box 20
Folder 1: Morrissey, Michael A.
Folder 2: Higgins, Daniel
Folder 3: Pontificia Academia Della Scienze
Folder 4: Dunham, Dr. Franklin
Folder 5: Babcock, John W.
Folder 6: Austin, Warren R.
Folder 7: Scholarships and Student Aid 1949-53
Folder 8: Correspondence, misc.
Box 21
Folder 1: Budget Documents 1951-52 (Oversize)
Folder 2: Expansion Plans and Explanation, 1946-52 (Oversize)
Folder 3: Magazine Article "Corner of Quandrangle" by John D. Donaghue, 1951-52 (Oversize)

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