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President's Office. Edward Henry


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President's Office. Edward Henry, 1976-1985 | Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

By Elizabeth B. Scott

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Collection Overview

Title: President's Office. Edward Henry, 1976-1985

ID: SMC 2/013

Extent: 10.0 Cubic Feet

Arrangement: The Henry series is arranged into 21 subseries: Admissions; Alumni ; Boards/External Committees;Cabinet; Commencement; Committees; Correspondence; Departments/ Programs; Development; Faculty; Financial; Financial Aid; governance; Jubilee; memos; NEASC; Personal; property; reports; student life; subject

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Henry series is arranged into 21 subseries.  In addition to typical administrative papers related to college finances, admissions, and academics, the Henry papers include many items related to the energy crisis and the 75th anniversary of Saint Michael's. Of particular note are papers of the International Dome Symposium and the Women and Society Symposium.

Collection Historical Note

The Board of Trustees elected Edward Henry president of Saint Michael’s College on 3 October 1975.  He began work in April 1976.  Prior to arriving at Saint Michael’s he had been vice president for development at St. Johns University after serving as president of St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind. and mayor of St. Cloud, MN.  President Henry oversaw the College through a period of mild growth and the establishment of the College as a coeducational liberal arts college ready to enter a new phase in its history.  One of his early actions as president was meeting with major stakeholders and producing a statement that called for a “liberal education in the light of the Catholic faith.”  (The phrase “in the light of the Catholic faith” eventually became part of the mission of the college.)  He led the College as it developed a new core curriculum, placed a premium on on-campus living and on campus life.  He also made tough choices to increase tuition and hold down enrollment at a time when many Catholic colleges were closing.  During his term, the College made an effort to include the community in events and expanded its continuing education offerings.  He announced his intention to leave in 1983, but remained in office until June 30 1985, when Dr. Paul Reiss began as president.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 1],
[Box 2],
[Box 3],
[Box 4],
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[Box 6],
[Box 7],
[Box 8],
[Box 9],
[Box 10],
[Box 11],
[Box 12],

Box 1
Sub-Series 1: Admissions

General 1975-76

General 1977-79

General 1982-85

Reports 1976-79

Sub-Series 2: Alumni

General 1976-1982

Homecoming 1976-79

National Board of Directors 1976-79


Sub-Series 3: Boards/External Committees

AVIC 1981-82

AVIC 1983-85

AVIC Exec. Comm. Mtg  1981-1984

AVIC Financial aid comm. 1981-83

AVIC Meeting Minutes 1981-1985

AVIC Tax issues  1967-1984

Chamber of Commerce 1975-19778

ETV Broadcast COuncil 1976-1978

ETV UVM Advisory Board 1979

Fanny Allen Hospital Association 1978-79

Fanny Allen Hospital Associates 1980

Fanny Allen Hospital Board of Trustees 1981-83

Financial 1980-81

Reports 1981-82

Box 2
Sub-Series 3: Boards/External Committees

New England Colleges Funds

Vermont Higher Education Commission (22 folders)

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

Vermont Commission on higher Education facilities

Vermont higher Education Planning Commission

Sub-Series 5: Commencement, 1975-1980
Box 3
Sub-Series 3: Boards/External Committees

Vermont Higher Education Commission (10 folders)

Vermont Student Assistance Corporation

Vermont Commission on higher Education facilities

Vermont higher Education Planning Commission

Sub-Series 4: Cabinet, 1977-1981
Sub-Series 5: Commencement, 1975-1983
Box 4
Sub-Series 5: Commencement, 1984-1985


Honorary Degree Recipients

Presidential Citations

Sub-Series 6: Committees

Academic Advising

Ad Hoc. Comm. on Academic Computing

Ad Hoc Committee on Communications 1977

Ad Hoc Committee on Governance 1977-78

Administrative Computer Comm.

Administrative Council 1981-1984

Affirrmative Action 1976

Bd of Associate Trustees

Calendar 1978-79

Curriculum Committee 1977-1982

Delta Epsilon Sigma 1980-81

Design Review Comm. 1983

Development 1976-1980

Energy Comm. 1977-80

Faculty Council 1976-77

Faculty Development Comm. 1980-82

Faculty Lecture Comm.

Faculty Lounge

Faculty Welfare 1974-78

Financial Aid 1975-1982

Marketing for Admissions

Mission  1976-1978

Nutrition Education Comm.

Planning Comm. 1975-1980

Box 5
Sub-Series 7: Correspondence, 1974-85
Sub-Series 8: Departments/Programs



Campus Ministry

Counseling and Testing

Day Care Center

Cepartment notes



Fine Arts

Fire and Rescue

Graduate Programs (General, Liberal Studies, Theology)

Health Services

Humanities Dept.

Intensive English Program

International Student Program



MSA (Masters in Administration)

Media Services

Modern Languages

New proposals--Adlerian, Criminal Justice,Gerentology,VT State Police, Technology Issues


Physical Plant

SMC Playhouse

Public Information

Religious Studies


Box 6
Sub-Series 8: Departments/Programs

Safety and Security

Special Events

Student Resource Center

Summer Programs for Developmentally Disabled

Summer Session

Summer Theatre

Tri State Bilingual

Word processing center

Box 7
Sub-Series 8: Departments/Programs

Student Resource Center

Summer Programs for Developmentally Disabled

Summer Session

Summer Theatre

Tri State Bilingual

Word processing center

Sub-Series 9: Development
33 folders
Box 8
Sub-Series 9: Development
5 folders
Sub-Series 10: Faculty, 1975-1985
21 folders
Sub-Series 11: Financial 1975-1985
18 Folders
Sub-Series 12: Financial Aid 1975-1984
Correspondence 1976-82
Sub-Series 17: Personal 1974-1985

Business card



Box 9
Sub-Series 12: Financial Aid

General 1983-84

Scholarships and Fellowships 1975-1981

Sub-Series 13: Governance 1976-1980

Administrative structures and reorganization 1976

Organizational chart

Articles of incorporation

Sub-Series 14: Jubilee 1979-1982



Events--American College Theatre Festival

Events--Bioethical news

Events--BBC Martin Jenkins

Events--Christianity in Culture/Russia and the west

Events--Citizen Soldier

Events--Collective bargaining

Events--College fair

Events--Care curriculum

Events--Internation Dome Symposium(4)

Events--Einstein centennial

Events--Festival mass

Events--Fine Arts/art

Events--Fine Arts/music

Events--Fine Arts/theatre

Events--Future of American foreign policy

Events--Govt panel

Events--Hartnett lecture

Events--irish question

Events--Jewish performing arts

Events--Liberal arts in crisis

Events--Michaelmen solving problems in local govt.

Events--Orientation Homecoming

Events--Our French heritage

Events--Playwright Ted Pezzulo

Events--Quebec separatists

Events--Social Studies fair

Events--Society and secularization

Events--Spring festival auction


Events--Third world cultures in conflict

Events--Writers and current issues

Events--Women & Society (2)

Events--Women & Society II


Honororary comm.


Liturgical Celebration



Sub-Series 15: Memos 1975-1985
8 folders
Box 10
Sub-Series 15: Memos
3 folders
Sub-Series 16: NEASC 1975-85
2 folders
Sub-Series 17: Personal 1974-1985



Newspaper clippings (2)


Speaking engagements


Writings--Catholic higher ed. in the 1980s

Sub-Series 18: Property

3 Fox Lane

Housing/Buildings general


Federal loans (2)

Johnson Ave

North Campus Chronology

North Campus Fort Ethan Allen (2)

N. Campus Gym


Pilot plan of development

Physical plant

Residence halls



Sub-Series 19: Reports 1976-1985

Data Book

Economic Impact of SMC

Final Report

Inst. Functioning Survey

Pres. reports

Sub-Series 20: Student life 1975-1985

Admin Council on Student Affairs


Food services





Residence halls

Student Association

Student Association minutes

Student guide

Student housing

Student Media Board

Student Publishing Assoc.

Sub-Series 21: Subject

Alcohol awareness

Bp Desmod Tutu

Community involvement


Countryside Conference

Box 11
Sub-Series 21: Subject

Countryside Conference (2)

Countryside Conference II


Energy 1977-79

Energy conservation 1980-81

Exchange programs

Family life inst

Financial planning


Kansai Federation

Ladies of SMC

Labor relations


Guidelines for independent study

Student housing



Rural ministry

Box 12
Sub-Series 21: Subjects

SMC and public Radio

Section 504 Rehab Act of 1973


Story Theatre

Transportation Technology Transfer

Tuition and benefits

US. politicians


VT Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations

VT colleges

VT economy

VT  Governor

VT Science and Technology Plan 1984

Vermont Public Radio 1979-1981

Vice President for Planning

Volunteer Programs

WWPV (24 folders)

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