Title: Fanny Allen Hospital, Offices of the Superior/Administrator and Bursar. Annual reports, 1896-1991
ID: FAH 01/FAH 01.04
Extent: 1.0 Linear Feet
Scope and Contents: This subseries contains the annual reports of the Fanny Allen Hospital covering the years 1894 to 1913, 1947, and 1970 to 1992 (with some years missing). The first reports include the names of the incorporators, the chaplain, and attending, consulting, visiting, house, and specialist doctors and surgeons of the hospital; the rules and regulations of the hospital and school of nurses; lists of graduates of the nursing school; photographs; letters from the superior and others; historical sketches and other information on the hospital and the Sisters and staff; and statistics of the surgical cases by diagnosis, the occupations and nationalities of patients admitted, causes of death, and a condensed statement of detailing numbers of patients, treatments and outcomes, and number of days spent at the hospital. There are two types of later annual reports: the first were written by the Administrator and presented to the Trustees of the hospital and the second was written for the public. Both detail patient statistics and finances, and report on staff, the departments, programs, events, major purchases, organizational structure, and future plans.