Title: Fanny Allen Hospital, Offices of the Superior/Administrator and Bursar. Restructuring documents, 1902-1994
ID: FAH 01/FAH 01.08
Extent: 0.5 Linear Feet
Scope and Contents: This subseries contains documents relating to the corporate restructuring of Fanny Allen Hospital as well as documents relating to the Hospital’s long range plans and its affiliation with the Covenant Health Systems. Two major periods of restructuring occurred: the first in 1983 and the second in 1993-1994. In 1983 the Hospital was restructured to become two corporate entities: the Fanny Allen Hospital, Hotel Dieu and Fanny Allen Health Services, Inc., later the Fanny Allen Foundation, Inc. The primary reason for this restructuring was to protect assets of the hospital and the Sisters and maximizing reimbursement. Documents regarding the 1983 restructuring include the minutes of the Corporate Restructuring Committee meetings; Board resolution; restated articles of incorporation and by-laws; taxation and legal documents and correspondence with legal council; and a memorandum to the RHSJ General Council. The second period of restructuring occurred in the period between 1992 and 1994 when the Fanny Allen Hospital merged with the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont to become Fletcher Allen Health Care. Included in these documents are a comprehensive survey which details hospital organization, functions, policies, and the work of various departments (particularly nursing); newspaper articles on MCHV; a comparative study on the two organizations; historical information including annual reports from the Mary Fletcher Hospital and MCHV, articles of association, an issue of the MCVH publication “To Your Health,” and articles on the Mary Fletcher Hospital; correspondence and studies used in negotiations; and licensing information