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Southern Missions


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Campus Ministry






Missions Office




Southern Missions, Inc.

Southern Region

Spiritual Reports

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Southern Missions, 1937-2009 | Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

By Elizabeth B. Scott

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Collection Overview

Title: Southern Missions, 1937-2009

Predominant Dates:1940-1970

Extent: 27.0 Linear Feet

Arrangement: This collection has been arranged into series:  I. Campus Ministry. II. Clippings. III. Convocations. IV. Correspondence. V. Financial. VI. Houses. VII. Missions Office. VIII. Parishes. IX. Scrapbooks/Albums. X. Sisters. XI. Southern Missions, Inc. XII. Southern Region.  XIII. Spiritual reports. XIV. Sponsored Works. XV. Subjects.

Subjects: Dauphin Island (Ala.), Elizabeth City (N.C.), Mobile (Ala.), Mon Luis (Ala.), Selma (Ala.), Wake Forest (N.C.)

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Southern Missions records contain materials from all localities within the house, including Selma, Anniston, Gadsden, Mobile, Dauphin Island, Mon Luis, theodore and ), in Elizabeth City and Wake Forest, NC, in Apalachicola FL,  in New Orleans, LA and in Caracas, Venezuela.  Records are arranged into series.  Of  particular interest are the correspondence series, the Missions Office series and the spiritual reports, which offer some insight into what was a very strong aspect of the Society's work between 1937-1980; parish work.

Collection Historical Note

In the 1930’s, after moving their general administrative offices from England to Vermont, the Society of Saint Edmund began to seek ways in which it could meet the call of Pope Pius X’s to serve the “Negro and Indian populations of North America.”  In January 1937, Bishop Thomas Toolen of Mobile (AL) invited the Society to “establish a mission among the colored population in Selma.”  By July 1937, three Edmundites were serving in Selma.  Within a month, they began publishing Your Edmundite Missions Newsletter (now the Edmundite Missions Newsletter) to solicit funds for the new mission.

Over the years, the work of the Edmundites expanded to include:

Work in parishes and schools throughout Alabama, (especially in Selma, Anniston, Gadsden, Mobile and the Gulf Coast), in Elizabeth City and Wake Forest, NC, in Apalachicola FL,  in New Orleans, LA and in Caracas, Venezuela.  Sponsorship of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home and Good Samaritan Hospital in Selma from the 1940s until their closure in the 1980s The Don Bosco Boys Club Sponsorship of the Good Samaritan School of Practical Nursing, the first school of practical nursing for black students in Alabama.  Additionally, the Edmundites have sponsored learning centers, health clinics, nutrition centers, and other social service organizations in Dallas, Wilcox, Monroe, and Lowndes Counties in Alabama, and have maintained parishes and a school in Louisiana.  Through the years they worked very closely with many Religious orders of women through the South, including the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester and the Daughters of the Holy Ghost.

The work of the Society in the South included entrusted parishes, sponsored works, campus ministry programs, educational endeavors and a number of chaplaincies.  Sponsored works were often run by the society or a women’s religious order affiliated with the society.  Much of the funding was through the Edmundite Missions Office, which quickly became an entity distinct from the Southern Missions as a whole, (although the office of Mission Director and Superior was held by the same person in the earliest years).  In 1952, the local superior and mission director were held by different men for the first time, with the mission director given responsibility for the work outside of Selma or “the missions.” In 1991, another office was established to oversee the sponsored works of the southern missions, that of Program director.  The Mission Director was responsible for raising funds, the Program Director was responsible for administering the works themselves, and the Superior took  responsibility for the house, house members, and the work in parishes.  An entity known as Fathers of Saint Edmund, Southern Missions, inc. was established in Alabama in1943 as the non-profit corporation.

The Society members were often the only whites regularly engaging with the African American population in their chosen locations.  Administering and sponsoring institutions that were a part of the social fabric of the community allowed them to witness events integral to twentieth century America.  As the civil rights movement took hold, the Edmundites continued to manage their insitutions while the communities they served radically changed.  A few individuals became deeply involved in the movement.

Subject/Index Terms

Dauphin Island (Ala.)
Elizabeth City (N.C.)
Mobile (Ala.)
Mon Luis (Ala.)
Selma (Ala.)
Wake Forest (N.C.)

Administrative Information

Repository: Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

Acquisition Source: Edmundite Missions Office

Acquisition Method: Transfer

Related Materials:

SSE 6.8 Local Administration/ South

SSE 2 Superior General Record Group

SSE Photograph Collection

Processing Information: This Record Group parallels the Local Administration/South record subgroup.  Materials which accumulated in the Generalate offices prior to 2003 make up the Local Administration/South record subgroup. (It does not necessarily include correspondence written directly to the Superior General—those are kept with Superior General correspondence series.)  The provenance of that record subgroup is unknown, although it is likely a combination of materials collected in the Generalate and some material transferred from the Southern Missions offices at an earlier time.  It is possible that some material is duplicated.  For a comprehensive view of the Society’s work in the South it may be necessary to explore all three collections.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Campus Ministry, 1981-1990],
[Series 2: Clippings, 1940-2010],
[Series 3: Convocations, 1984-1999],
[Series 4: Correspondence, 1984-1999],
[Series 5: Financial, 1941-2001],
[Series 6: Houses, 1937-1990],
[Series 7: Missions Office, 1941-2005],
[Series 8: Parishes, 1939-1999],
[Series 9: Scrapbooks/Albums, 1915-1983],
[Series 10: Sisters, 1963-1980],
[Series 11: Southern Missions, Inc., 1943-2002],
[Series 12: Southern Region, 1971-1999],
[Series 13: Spiritual Reports, 1938-1974],
[Series 14: Sponsored Works],
[Series 15: Subject, 1940-1999],

Series 7: Missions Office, 1941-2005

Missions Office 1941-2005

The missions office is the primary administrative wing of the southern missions.  Soon after the establishment of the mission in 1937, the first newsletter went out.  As the entire endeavor expanded, the work required an office with lay personnel.  The Mission Director was responsible for the office.  The work initially involved both fundraising (primarily through the newsletter) and administrative work related to the services offered through the missions.  The fundraising work was monumental, and the procedures for opening mail, sending out appeals and the files of the appeals themselves are incredibly complex.  Grant writing also involved a great deal of time, but was primarily done by the missions director himself.  In 1989, Superior General McLaughlin established a program director to oversee the sponsored works of the missions, and a separate office with staff followed.  The office employed a sizeable number of lay people and over the years a number of priests and brothers worked in one of the two offices.  The missions office series includes administrative records from the missions office, the primary fundraising wing of the southern missions. Records also include personnel files, reports, office procedures and fundraising files.


Box 14

Director Crowley Faculties 1941-1946

Director Crowley Path to Peace in Selma

Crowley St. Patrick’s Day Speeches

Intercommunity Instruction        1948-1950

Intercommunity Instruction        1951-1959

Intercommunity Instruction        May 1954-July 1956

Intercommunity Instruction        1956-1961

Intercommunity Instruction        1962-1967

Edmundite Missions Newsletter Index 1942-1971

Newsletters 1937-1946

Personnel Dorothy McKenna

Personnel    Gallerani

Sisters-Pastoral Assistance

Publicity (Early)

Publications Brochures

“Black Perspectives”(1981) Office of Black Ministry Research, SSE

Brophy Report Folder 1

Brophy Report Folder 2

Report (ARA 1975)

Report Cheswick Center Study 1990

Report Closing Anniston and Gadsden

Reports Mixed

Report Priest Perspectives on Selma, Mission (Pt. 1) 1984

Staff Meeting Minutes      2000-2005

Staff Meeting Minutes      1997-1999

Staff Meeting Minutes      1994-1999

Box 15

Bookkeeping Procedures 1961

Dir. Daily Mail 1951-1957

Daily Mail 1958-1961

Box 16

Fundraising Appeal: “A Missionary Endeavor” 1963

Fundraising  Appeals Letters 1937-1947

Fundraising  Edmundite Spiritual Association Folder 1 1983-85

Fundraising Edmundite Spiritual Association Folder 2 1986-89

Fundraising Fenske Donor Profile 2004

Fundraising Foundations 1907 Foundation Inc (UPS)

Fundraising Foundation Vivian B. Allen Inc.

Fundraising Allbebaum Foundation Inc.

Fundraising Foundations Aquinas

Fundraising Foundations Avalon Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Baird 1957-1969

Fundraising Foundations Baird Patrick & Co. Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Beinecke Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Bentz Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Brackin, Nelson Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Louis Calden Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Charlpeg Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Clark Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Derance Inc. Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Carrie Estelle Dohens Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Dored Doris Duke

Fundraising Foundations Drum

Fundraising Foundations Charles Englehard

Fundraising Foundations Fiduciary

Fundraising Foundations Fleischmann

Fundraising Foundations Frueauff

Fundraising Foundations Edward T. Foley

Fundraising Foundations Ford

Fundraising Foundations Eva Gabhard Gooraud

Fundraising Foundations Fedearal Foundation Book

Fundraising Foundations General Foundation Analysis

Fundraising Foundations Pending Foundations

Fundraising Foundations Proposal List to Foundations

Fundraising Foundations P&P Gerli Foundation Inc.

Fundraising Foundations Given Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Grace, Mr. Charles M. Foundation

Fundraising Foundations Grant

Fundraising Foundations Hammermill

Fundraising Foundations Harney

Fundraising Foundations Helwig AA

Fundraising Foundations Hameland

Fundraising Foundations IBM

Fundraising Foundations Kasal (Father) Charitable Trust

Fundraising Foundations Kellog

Fundraising Foundations Kelly, John F., Catherine

Fundraising Foundations Lewis, Frank J

Fundraising Foundations Kennedy, John R

Fundraising Foundations Lowenstein, Leon

Fundraising Foundations McCarthy, E.J.

Fundraising Foundations McEvoy, Mildred, H.

Fundraising Foundations McGregor

Fundraising Foundations Meritt, Chapman, Scott

Fundraising Foundations Milliken

Fundraising Foundations Miscellaneous

Fundraising Foundations Molloy

Fundraising Foundations New York

Fundraising Foundations Negro Education

Fundraising Foundations O Neill

Fundraising Foundations Pennsylvania State University

Fundraising Foundations Various

Fundraising Foundations Raskob 1967-68

Fundraising Foundations Raskob #2

Fundraising Foundations Fannie E. Rippel

Box 17

Fundraising Foundations Roberts

Fundraising Foundations Rockefeller

Fundraising Foundations Mr. Lewis Rosensteil

Fundraising Foundations St. Anthony (Mr. Fred Jackson)

Fundraising Foundations San Francisco

Fundraising Foundations Scanlan

Fundraising Foundations Mr. David H. Spiller (Eltra Corp)

Fundraising Foundations Stern Sears Roebuck

Fundraising Foundations Sealantic

Fundraising Foundations Seven Lamps

Fundraising Foundations George O. Smith (UPS)

Fundraising Foundations Mrs. Leonard M. Sperry Sr

Fundraising Foundations Stern Family

Fundraising Foundations Strake Family

Fundraising Foundations Vons Grocery

Fundraising Foundations Vans Ameringen

Fundraising Foundations William K Warren

Fundraising Foundations Edwin L., Anna K. Wiegand

Fundraising Foundations Wehrle 1958-75

Fundraising Foundations            Kahr Sisters 1942-1980

Fundraising Letter Samples

Fundraising Letter  Memorial Letters

Fundraising Plea Production Book 11 1971-1973

Fundraising Plea Production Book 12, 1973-74

Fundraising Plea Production Book 13, 1973-74

Fundraising Plea Production Book 14, 1974-75

Fundraising Plea Production Book 15, 1975-76

Fundraising Plea Production Book 16, 1975-76

Fundraising Plea Production Book 17, 1976-77

Fundraising Plea Production Book 18, 1976-77

Fundraising Plea Production Book 19, 1977-78

Fundraising Plea Production Book 20, 1978-79

Box 18

Fundraising Plea Production Book 21, 1979-80

Fundraising Plea Production Book 22, 1980-81

Fundraising Plea Production Book 23, 1981-82

Fundraising Plea Production Book 28, 1983-84

Fundraising Plea Production Book 29, 333-314 1985-86

Fundraising Plea Production Book 29, 334-353 1985-86

Fundraising Plea Production Book 30, 1985-86

Fundraising Plea Production Book 31, 1985-86

Fundraising Plea Production Book 32, 1986

Fundraising Plea Production Book 33, 1986-1987

Fundraising Plea Production Book 34, 1987-88

Fundraising Plea Production Book 35, 1987

Box 19

Staff Meeting Minutes      1984-1992

Staff Meeting Minutes      1980-1984

Symposium 1956

Symposium  1957

Symposium  3rd

Symposium  4th

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