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Admissions Office


Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Admissions Data

Admissions Profiles


Consortium of Vermont Colleges

Delayed Admissions Program


Enrollment Management

Financial Aid

Hoehl Center Planning




Sample letters



Vice Presidents

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Admissions Office, 1957-2005 | Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

By Elizabeth B. Scott

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Collection Overview

Title: Admissions Office, 1957-2005

Predominant Dates:1975-2005


Extent: 15.0 Linear Feet

Arrangement: Arranged into series: 7.1 Admissions Data; 7.2 Admission Profiles; 7.3 Committees; 7.4 Consortium of Vermont Colleges; 7.5 Delayed Admissions Program; 7.6 Directors; 7.7 Enrollment Management; 7.8 Financial Aid; 7.9 Hoehl Center Planning; 7.10 programs; 7.11 Publications; 7.12 Reports; 7.13 Sample letters; 7.14 Surveys; 7.15 VHEC; 7.16 Vice Presidents

Date Acquired: 00/00/2005. More info below under Accruals.

Collection Historical Note

For the first fifty years of the college’s existence, students could enroll in the college if they could prove a basic set of skills and if they had the means to pay the fees. Students who wanted to attend were rarely turned away. The president and faculty worked together in ensuring that students met the college’s standards. It was not until the GI Bill was enacted after World War II that the college began to seriously consider a formal admissions program. Even then, the Dean of Students took on this program as a part of his duties, working with a few “student recruitment officers.” 1n 1960 the college named its first dean of admission--Thomas Garrett, who also served as the College’s registrar. In 1967, the position became the Director of Admissions and a number of individuals served in the position for the next 10 years, when Jerry Flanagan, an alumnus who had been working in the department for a number of years, took over, Under Flanagan’s tenure, admission became a formal process, and an important function on the College campus. The rate at which new students are accepted impacts the entire college, as does the quality of the students and the amount of financial aid they need. The role and size of the department grew significantly and it has included financial aid, marketing, public relations, and publications at times. The head of the department is one of seven vice presidents on the campus. Formerly the Admissions Department, it has also been known as the Office of Admissions and Enrollment Management and the Office of Admissions. The Vice President’s title is the Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing.

Administrative Information

Repository: Saint Michael's College Archives & Special Collections

Accruals: New materials are transferred approximately every 5 years or upon new administration. The Admissions Profiles and Publication series accrue annually.

Acquisition Source: Jerry Flanagan

Acquisition Method: Records Transfer

Other Note: Preferred citation: Admissions Office Record Group. Saint Michael's College Archives. Saint Michael's College.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Admissions Data],
[Series 2: Admissions Profiles],
[Series 3: Committees],
[Series 4: Consortium of Vermont Colleges],
[Series 5: Delayed Admissions Program],
[Series 6: Directors],
[Series 7: Enrollment Management],
[Series 8: Financial Aid],
[Series 9: Hoehl Center Planning],
[Series 10: Programs],
[Series 11: Publications],
[Series 12: Reports],
[Series 13: Sample letters],
[Series 14: Surveys],
[Series 15: VHEC],
[Series 16: Vice Presidents],

Series 16: Vice Presidents

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